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Term Definition
Scapula (shoulder blade)

The paired bones in the upper back that form part of the shoulder.


Medical procedure used to treat blood vessels or blood vessel malformations (vascular malformations) and also those of the lymphatic system. A medicine is injected into the vessels, which makes them shrink.

Scoliosis (left-right curve in the spine)

Crooked spine that curves to the side.


Uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain that may lead to symptoms that may range from mild loss of attention to violent muscular contractions that can lead to death.


A serious illness in which the body has a severe response to bacteria or other germs. The symptoms of sepsis are not caused by the germs themselves. Instead, chemicals the body releases cause the response.


A surgically implanted tube which moves, or allows movement of fluid from one part of the body to another.


Medical procedure where a doctor or nurse looks into the rectum and sigmoid colon, using an instrument called a sigmoidoscope.

Single Ventricle Anomalies

Complex heart defects that result in one of the heart_s pumping chambers (ventricles) being underdeveloped.

Sleep Apnea

The temporary interruption of breathing during sleep, severe symptoms include more than 30 incidents of disrupted breathing per hour

Small Intestines

Tubular structure, about 21 feet long in adults, between the stomach and the large intestine (colon) where most of digestion takes place.


Organ located above the stomach and under the ribs on the left side. Part of the lymphatic system, which fights infection and keeps your body fluids in balance, it contains white blood cells that fight germs. The spleen also helps control the amount of bl


Surgical removal of the spleen.


Bone in the center of the chest which attaches the ribs and protects the heart and lungs.


Also called lazy eye or wandering eye; the eye seems misaligned.

Sturge-Weber Syndrome

A disorder characterized by a facial birthmark and neurological abnormalities.

