Registry Impact


Registered Participants


Survey Question Responses


Healthcare Provider Listings


The following publications resulted from access to your de-identified registry data.

The Registry helps the LGDA to bring the patient perspective to research and public policy on behalf of people with a CLA.

Clinical Trial and Study Protocol:

The LGDA is collaborating with researchers planning and conducting clinical trials by adding your patient perspective to the trial protocol. We also collaborate with researchers on their academic study protocols.

 Communication of Trial and Study Opportunities with Patients:

Through the Patient Registry, we are able to share clinical-trial and study information with the CLA community. Those participants who have elected to receive notification from the Registry will be contacted by the Registry if they may be eligible for a trial or study.

Public Policy:

The LGDA collaborates with other advocacy organizations to promote and support public policies that address research and healthcare needs of the rare disease community, with particular focus on those policies that most impact people with a CLA.